Sunday, 29 June 2014

Parent Interviews.

It has been a mad dash to post all my students' work onto their individual blogs. I am very impressed with the amount of work they have completed and I am doubly impressed with the quality of work that each student has produced, especially in writing.

Can I say this, it is offical - I don't like marking, my students' writing as it is taking too long. I am half-way through a 1,000 word, narrative story and I still have 2 1/2 pages left to check before this story can be posted onto her blog. So whanau, I think you made a wonderful decision in investing in your child's education, by buying a chrome book for them. I thank you all, for the sacrafices you have made but I am seeing a BIG difference between traditonal book work and Future Orientated Learning.

So hopefully, I will see you all at Parent Interviews; Monday 30th June and Tuesday 1st July. We will look at your child's work folders, their blogs and class sites. Plus you will get a little lesson on how to post a comment on your child's blog. Gee, all this in 15 minutes. Oh yes, you will also recieve you child's mid-year report.

If you can't see me on Monday or Tuesday, I am also avaliable after school on Thursday 3rd July.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Matariki Day Celebration.

Once again Matariki is upon us and it is time to reflect and celebrate with our whanau. So today we celebrated Matariki by; Making Movies, displaying art work, making models, flying kites and sharing kai with our Tautoro Community.
Please check out Josemiria, Nomairangi and Jessie's blogs as they retold, produced, directed, filmed, edited and created a movie called, The Seven Sisters of Matariki by Toni Rolleston-Cummins. Well done girls I can't wait for the next movie - I wonder who will produce this?

Shots Of The Day
Toko, just flying by.

Take a shot of my kite.

Journey very pleased with his kite construction.

Lizzy, flying towards a rainbow.

Ngarangi running for lift.

Thursday, 12 June 2014


So I’m an Author?

Purpose: You will write a story that will entertain your audience i.e the whole world.

Today’s WALT: entice the audience to read more and to understand who is the main character.

1. Hook in your audience with suspense, humour, traditional fairytale starter, rhetorical question or a general description of the setting and characters.
2. Try to include some historical background (exposition) about your main character.
3. Choose a point of view - First Character or Third Character
4. View the Youtube videos before you start writing.

5. Use my narrative Plan, to help me stay on the main idea.

Here is the first of many narrative stories to come, I will post some on our home page and the rest of our wonderful stories will be posted on our writing page.

Author Number One - JulieAnn

Super Heroes

Hello, my names Casey. I live in a magical castle with my mum, dad and brother Chace. We’re superheroes we save anyone who is in danger. How’s that for a living?

We all have different powers; my power is invisibility so if someone wants to find me I can just turn invisible. Mum’s power is, she has turbo stretch. Dad’s power is, he can lift the heaviest things in the world like a house or a boat. And last of all Chace’s power is,... he can run super fast so if someone tries to catch him he can activate his super fast power and then they won’t catch him.

Our house well it’s not actually a house it’s more like a castle, is huge. Our house has got every thing that a castle has from bridges, turrets, drawbridge to flags. Have you ever seen a castle like that? We love living in our castle, especially me as I love playing hide and seek and no one can find me because of my invisibleness.

You know how we are superheroes and we all have our special powers, well sadly we all have weaknesses. My weakness is that i’m afraid of heights. I can’t stand any height over three feet, I don’t even like jumping when I play leap frog.
Today it’s Mum's birthday but she thinks that we don’t know that it’s her birthday because we have kept it a big surprise. We’re planning something special for her so we have to keep it a secret, so don’t tell her.

Mum and I are going out to shop for clothes and groceries so that we can fill the cupboards up because they were empty. Us superheroes eat every hour. We have to eat lots of food everyday as we use up the energy when we use our super powers.

Today was no ordinary day of shopping, I could feel it in my bones. Picture this, Mum and I are out shopping. Mum suddenly stops. she asks me a question “Do you know what today is?”

I reply back “Friday”

“Let’s go I don’t want to go shopping any more.” Mom say’s, “let’s go to the restaurant to get some takeaways for dad and Chace.” As we walk into the restaurant, mom changes her mind and decides that we could just cook something at home instead. So we walk outside.

Just then Dad rings, he is waiting for us at home and he wants us back immediately as we have to go out and save a car full of people.

We got into the car mum tries to start the car but it won’t start . Mum starts getting frustrated just then she decides to reach for her phone to ring dad but no one answer.

Our local mechanic walks past with his tools, what a coincident “Mr. Bean! Mr Bean!” mum calls out.

“Oh hello, Mrs Incredible, how are you today?”

“Can you help me? My car won’t start”

“Have you check your water,” answered Mr Bean.
“um um um no I don’t think so” replied Mum.
So Mr Bean went to the bonnet to open it. As we wait in the car we could hear Mr Bean unscrew a few knobs just then he shouts, “you were out of water in your radiator, I’ll put some in then it should go”

“Thank you Mr. Bean,” we both sighed with relief.

“Come on lets go home now mum”

“OK,” Mum replied.

As we get up the driveway, mum suddenly see’s all the car’s outside the drive “what’s going on?” asked Mum.

I lied and answered, “I don’t know”

As we are driving closer and closer to our home, I quickly lean over to the steering wheel and beep the horn. It was our signal so that dad knows we’re home.

Mum packs the car and we hop out worried that something bad has happened to Dad and Chase. As we walk inside our home, everything is very dark inside. Mum stretches her arm to the light switch and flicks it on.

”HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” shouts the neighbours and every one that we’ve rescued and even Mr Bean.  

So no one forgot what today was,” whispered Mum.

“No we didn’t we were planning a surprise  birthday for you” I whispered back.

“Come we should celebrate with games food and fizzy. Thanks everyone for coming to my birthday I really appreciate it. Even you Mr.Bean, so this where you were coming... to my birthday,” exclaimed Mum and as she turned around to face all of her guests she laughed out loudly, “I know lets play Chinese whispers it’s my favourite game since I was a little girl.

Author Number Two - Journey.

The Chocolate Factory.

Once upon a time, exactly 30 years ago, there lived a King, Queen, Prince called Journey and their two servants, Tipi and Jose. They all lived in a giant palace.

One day the King and Queen, discovered they had no food in the palace and they were hungry. So the King sent Jose and Tipi out to look for some food. Jose and Tipi looked for food for hours and they still found nothing, until Tipi tripped into the bush and he found a chocolate factory. Tipi and Jose decided not to share their knowledge to the King and Queen about the chocolate factory, so they put the bush back up so no one could see it.

Not long after that they returned back to the palace and to tell the King and Queen, that they did not find anything.
So the King and Queen sent Prince Journey on a quest to look for food.

Prince Journey looked and looked, he did not find any thing until he decided that he had had enough of searching. So Prince Journey turned his horse around and headed back to the palace. Then he spotted a tiny speak of shininess through a bush, that caught his eye. He peered through the bush and saw the chocolate factory. He jumped back onto his horse and rode as fast as he could back to the palace to tell the King and Queen.

When he got back to the palace at mid-night, Prince Journey ran straight to the King and Queen’s bedroom. However as he was running up the stairs a net was thrown towards him and instantly he became tangled and Prince Journey fell to the ground.  Poor Prince Journey had fallen into Jose and Tipi’s trap.

Tipi and Jose quickly gather Prince Journey and threw him into the dungeon. The King and Queen did not know about the danger their son was in or the knowledge about the chocolate factory. As they were still asleep in their royal bed.

The next morning Jose and Tipi left the palace to go and live at the chocolate factory, without telling their royal bosses. When the king and queen woke, they were confused as they hear screaming down in the dungeon and they hadn’t had a prisoner there for ages.

The King goes down to see who it is and he discovered his son Prince Journey locked up in chains.

When Prince Journey was rescued by his Dad, he told his parents, the King and Queen, about the chocolate factory.

So the King, Queen, Prince Journey and a few loyal guards headed out to the chocolate factory. It took them hour to reach their final destination.

When they arrived at the chocolate factory they saw Jose and Tipi pigging out on the chocolate. The King was very angry when he saw his two ex-servant pigging out on the chocolate so he booted them out of the kingdom and they were never to be seen again.

So in the end, Prince Journey, the King and the Queen all lived happily ever after in the chocolate factory... and Tipi and Jose did not live happily ever after as they never shared anything with anyone so no-one ever talked to them or helped them.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

KIA KAHA - Safer Communities Together.

Check out our anti-bullying programme work on our Topic Page.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

My Plan Comes True!