Sunday, 29 June 2014

Parent Interviews.

It has been a mad dash to post all my students' work onto their individual blogs. I am very impressed with the amount of work they have completed and I am doubly impressed with the quality of work that each student has produced, especially in writing.

Can I say this, it is offical - I don't like marking, my students' writing as it is taking too long. I am half-way through a 1,000 word, narrative story and I still have 2 1/2 pages left to check before this story can be posted onto her blog. So whanau, I think you made a wonderful decision in investing in your child's education, by buying a chrome book for them. I thank you all, for the sacrafices you have made but I am seeing a BIG difference between traditonal book work and Future Orientated Learning.

So hopefully, I will see you all at Parent Interviews; Monday 30th June and Tuesday 1st July. We will look at your child's work folders, their blogs and class sites. Plus you will get a little lesson on how to post a comment on your child's blog. Gee, all this in 15 minutes. Oh yes, you will also recieve you child's mid-year report.

If you can't see me on Monday or Tuesday, I am also avaliable after school on Thursday 3rd July.

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