Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Kapahaka 2014

You know that another year has past, when your students have just performed another amazing kapahaka bracket at the annual Kaikohe Cultural festival.

Whanau you should be proud of your tamariki, as they put their heart and soul into their waiata, moteatea and haka. I was definitely a proud teacher today and I can also add, that I had goose bumps booming all over me, especially when the entered the stage with 'Ko matou nei.' Tu meke koutou ma!

Each student has presented to the world, their kapahaka goals. On the last page, they will reflect upon their performance to see if they have achieved in reaching their goals. Please click onto each students' blog (on the left) to see how they thought they went on the day.

Dress Rehearsal

Performance Day

Monday, 22 September 2014

Look Whose Working

TeAri-Jack and Harlym
At this moment Room 6 are all up-dating their blogs, as well as commenting on all the special
events they have attended. Please check out their mahi.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Our Girls Representing Mid-North and Tautoro School.

Last Thursday, nine of our Senior students went down to Dargaville to represent Mid-North and Tautoro School, in the annual Cross Country on but there was a hill that dominated the course. So next year Tautoro, expect a hill in our course. It will be fun as well as improve our fitness for the Ohaeawai Cross-Country Champs.
Whaea Meri was saying that the course was beautiful to
They were well supported by Whaea Meri, Whaea Milly, Matua Kevin, Mums, Nanas and even a baby brother - Way to go Cooper!
Here are the placings
12yr+     Tuira:
11yr        Lizzy: 20th
               Julie Ann: 17th
9yr         Gabrielle:

A big thanks also goes to Whaea Milly, Whaea Hana, Whaea Meri and whanau who helped the girls to fundraise money for a van and petrol, so that the girls could attend the Cross Country Champs 2014.


Thursday, 18 September 2014

Mid-North 7s Tournament.

Tautoro Tuakana.

Back row: Kopani, Manawanui, TeKAha, Jacob, Journey
Front row: Kyral, Massimo, TeAri-Jack, Esmonde, Remus, Isileli

Today most of the Year 7 and 8 boys participated in the Year 7 and 8 Seven's Tournament held at the Kaikohe Rugby Club. Tautoro School would like to thank Cheryl Smith (Sport Northland),  Hoani Hippolite and the Senior Students Kerikeri High School (Referees) on organising and running an excellent tournament.
Tautoro School came third pool, so we were not involved in the semis or the finals but we enjoyed ourselves.
1st game lost to Kaikohe Intermediate, 2nd game lost to Matauri Bay, 3rd game won against West Coast Raiders (funnily enough this team was the same height as us)
Tournament Winners were - Matauri Bay Boys and Kaikohe Intermediate Girls. Well done.
We did learn that our fitness must inprove for next year and that we must not bunch when we run with the ball. Seven's is totally different from playing Union Rugby and league as it is a fast, flowing, thinking game.
A special thanks goes out to Eric Rush and Kaikohe New World who sponsored the winning teams with a Kaikohe New World gift voulcher AND supplied all the tournament players, coaches and managers with an awesome lunch.
A big thank you goes to Anzac Leaf who took time out of his busy building schedual to coach our boys. Plus it was also great to see our parents, aunties, uncles and even one grandad who came out and supported the Tautoro Tuakana.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Career Education for Room 6

When I was a 12 year old kid, I really didn't know what I wanted to be when I left High School.

However there were two things I was certain, I didn't want to be in the armed forces and I didn't want to be a teacher. So... here I am; a teacher.

Looking back at my schooling, especially my High School schooling, I am certain that if I had a proper career's education program I would have been an Actress or a Film Editor or Chef or Make-up Artist or someone high up in Advertising....Why? because I've just found out that I am artistic and because I'm artistic I am therefore a 'Creator.'

Apparently there a six groups that a person falls into,
  1. Artistic - "The Creator"
  2. Conventional - "The Organiser"
  3. Enterprising
  4. Investigative
  5. Realistic - "The Doers"
  6. Social - "The Healer"
So it looks like I have placed myself in the Social category, when I should have looked at my artistic talents. Yes I blame my careers advisors, as she didn't inform me about what type of jobs where out in the working work for artistic folks like me.

So I knew that I wouldn't let the students of room 6 down, so we are looking at creating personalised career pathways. This topic focuses on,
  1. Discovering Self - Knowing our strengths, weaknesses, talents and interests.
  2. Discovering the Workforce - Knowing that there are jobs out there based on our skills, interests and subject choices.
  3. Creating a Career Pathway - Knowing that my decisions, behaviour, attitude and choices will make a difference to my future.
My aim - To get my kids to be aware, that if you have a dream to become an engineer, astronaut, doctor, air hostess or an actress; you need to start planning now. Don't wait till you're a year 13 because it's too late.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Nau mai, haere mai, whakatau mai ki te kura o Tautoro.

Ko Eric Rush raua ko Cheryl Smith.

Today Eric Rush and Cheryl Smith were welcomed into our school. Who are these two I here you say...

Eric Rush is famous for owning the Kaikohe New World and Cheryl Smith is one of our famous Sports Northland Representatives. They are also famous in becoming New Zealand representatives in their chosen field of sports. Eric was a New Zealand All Black and he played in our New Zealand 7s team. Cheryl was a New Zealand Black Fern. So we were very honoured to welcome both to Tautoro School.

Did you know...
  1. Eric Rush comes from a small settlement called Matangirau.
  2. Eric Rush went to University.
  3. Eric Rush is a qualified lawyer.
  4. Eric Rush is able to listen.
  5. Eric Rush has visited all five Disneylands around the world and didn't pay a cent.
  6. Eric Rush wants us to find his missing shopping trollies around Kaikohe.
Why are they here? Well Eric and Cheryl volunteered their time to share their knowledge and skills in rugby to our Year 7 and 8 team. As our Year 7 and 8 team are off to a Rugby 7s tournament in week 9 at the end of this term. Matua Anzac will coach our team so they are prepared for a gruelling day of running, tackling and score trying.

Thanks for an awesome day, Tautoro really enjoyed this opportunity to improve their fitness, skills and game knowledge. Kia ora Matua Eric, Whaea Cheryl and Matua Anzac.