Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Kapahaka 2014

You know that another year has past, when your students have just performed another amazing kapahaka bracket at the annual Kaikohe Cultural festival.

Whanau you should be proud of your tamariki, as they put their heart and soul into their waiata, moteatea and haka. I was definitely a proud teacher today and I can also add, that I had goose bumps booming all over me, especially when the entered the stage with 'Ko matou nei.' Tu meke koutou ma!

Each student has presented to the world, their kapahaka goals. On the last page, they will reflect upon their performance to see if they have achieved in reaching their goals. Please click onto each students' blog (on the left) to see how they thought they went on the day.

Dress Rehearsal

Performance Day

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